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Performs operations against Couchbase for each message, allowing you to store or retrieve data within message payloads.

Introduced in version 4.11.0.

# Common config fields, showing default values
label: ""
url: couchbase://localhost:11210 # No default (required)
username: "" # No default (optional)
password: "" # No default (optional)
bucket: "" # No default (required)
id: ${! json("id") } # No default (required)
content: "" # No default (optional)
operation: get

When inserting, replacing or upserting documents, each must have the content property set.



Couchbase connection string.

Type: string

# Examples
url: couchbase://localhost:11210


Username to connect to the cluster.

Type: string


Password to connect to the cluster.

Type: string


Couchbase bucket.

Type: string


Bucket collection.

Type: string

Default: "_default"


Couchbase transcoder to use.

Type: string

Default: "legacy"

jsonJSONTranscoder implements the default transcoding behavior and applies JSON transcoding to all values. This will apply the following behavior to the value: binary ([]byte) -> error. default -> JSON value, JSON Flags.
legacyLegacyTranscoder implements the behavior for a backward-compatible transcoder. This transcoder implements behavior matching that of gocb v1.This will apply the following behavior to the value: binary ([]byte) -> binary bytes, Binary expectedFlags. string -> string bytes, String expectedFlags. default -> JSON value, JSON expectedFlags.
rawRawBinaryTranscoder implements passthrough behavior of raw binary data. This transcoder does not apply any serialization. This will apply the following behavior to the value: binary ([]byte) -> binary bytes, binary expectedFlags. default -> error.
rawjsonRawJSONTranscoder implements passthrough behavior of JSON data. This transcoder does not apply any serialization. It will forward data across the network without incurring unnecessary parsing costs. This will apply the following behavior to the value: binary ([]byte) -> JSON bytes, JSON expectedFlags. string -> JSON bytes, JSON expectedFlags. default -> error.
rawstringRawStringTranscoder implements passthrough behavior of raw string data. This transcoder does not apply any serialization. This will apply the following behavior to the value: string -> string bytes, string expectedFlags. default -> error.


Operation timeout.

Type: string

Default: "15s"


Document id. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: string

# Examples
id: ${! json("id") }


Document content.

Type: string


Couchbase operation to perform.

Type: string

Default: "get"

getfetch a document.
insertinsert a new document.
removedelete a document.
replacereplace the contents of a document.
upsertcreates a new document if it does not exist, if it does exist then it updates it.