Inserts a row into an SQL database for each message.
Introduced in version 3.59.0.
# Common config fields, showing default valuesoutput: label: "" sql_insert: driver: "" # No default (required) dsn: clickhouse://username:password@host1:9000,host2:9000/database?dial_timeout=200ms&max_execution_time=60 # No default (required) table: foo # No default (required) columns: [] # No default (required) args_mapping: root = [ this.cat.meow, this.doc.woofs[0] ] # No default (required) max_in_flight: 64 batching: count: 0 byte_size: 0 period: "" check: ""
# Advanced config fields, showing default valuesoutput: label: "" sql_insert: driver: "" # No default (required) dsn: clickhouse://username:password@host1:9000,host2:9000/database?dial_timeout=200ms&max_execution_time=60 # No default (required) table: foo # No default (required) columns: [] # No default (required) args_mapping: root = [ this.cat.meow, this.doc.woofs[0] ] # No default (required) prefix: "" # No default (optional) suffix: ON CONFLICT (name) DO NOTHING # No default (optional) options: [] # No default (optional) max_in_flight: 64 init_files: [] # No default (optional) init_statement: | # No default (optional) CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS some_table ( foo varchar(50) not null, bar integer, baz varchar(50), primary key (foo) ) WITHOUT ROWID; conn_max_idle_time: "" # No default (optional) conn_max_life_time: "" # No default (optional) conn_max_idle: 2 conn_max_open: 0 # No default (optional) batching: count: 0 byte_size: 0 period: "" check: "" processors: [] # No default (optional)
Here we insert rows into a database by populating the columns id, name and topic with values extracted from messages and metadata:
yamloutput: sql_insert: driver: mysql dsn: foouser:foopassword@tcp(localhost:3306)/foodb table: footable columns: [ id, name, topic ] args_mapping: | root = [ this.user.id, this.user.name, meta("kafka_topic"), ]
A database driver to use.
Type: string
, postgres
, clickhouse
, mssql
, sqlite
, oracle
, snowflake
, trino
, gocosmos
, spanner
A Data Source Name to identify the target database.
:driver-support: mysql=certified, postgres=certified, clickhouse=community, mssql=community, sqlite=certified, oracle=certified, snowflake=community, trino=community, gocosmos=community, spanner=community
The following is a list of supported drivers, their placeholder style, and their respective DSN formats:
|=== | Driver | Data Source Name Format
| clickhouse
| [clickhouse://[username[:password\](https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-go#dsn)@\][netloc\][:port\]/dbname[?param1=value1&...¶mN=valueN\]
| mysql
| [username[:password]@][protocol[(address)]]/dbname[?param1=value1&...¶mN=valueN]
| postgres
| postgres://[user[:password]@][netloc][:port][/dbname][?param1=value1&...]
| mssql
| sqlserver://[user[:password]@][netloc][:port][?database=dbname¶m1=value1&...]
| sqlite
| file:/path/to/filename.db[?param&=value1&...]
| oracle
| oracle://[username[:password]@][netloc][:port]/service_name?server=server2&server=server3
| snowflake
| username[:password]@account_identifier/dbname/schemaname[?param1=value&...¶mN=valueN]
| trino
| [http[s\](https://github.com/trinodb/trino-go-client#dsn-data-source-name)://user[:pass\]@host[:port\][?parameters\]
| gocosmos
| [AccountEndpoint=<cosmosdb-endpoint>;AccountKey=<cosmosdb-account-key>[;TimeoutMs=<timeout-in-ms>\](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/microsoft/gocosmos#readme-example-usage)[;Version=<cosmosdb-api-version>\][;DefaultDb/Db=<db-name>\][;AutoId=<true/false>\][;InsecureSkipVerify=<true/false>\]
| spanner
| projects/[PROJECT]/instances/[INSTANCE]/databases/[DATABASE]
Please note that the postgres
driver enforces SSL by default, you can override this with the parameter sslmode=disable
if required.
The snowflake
driver supports multiple DSN formats. Please consult the docs for more details. For key pair authentication, the DSN has the following format: <snowflake_user>@<snowflake_account>/<db_name>/<schema_name>?warehouse=<warehouse>&role=<role>&authenticator=snowflake_jwt&privateKey=<base64_url_encoded_private_key>
, where the value for the privateKey
parameter can be constructed from an unencrypted RSA private key file rsa_key.p8
using openssl enc -d -base64 -in rsa_key.p8 | basenc --base64url -w0
(you can use gbasenc
insted of basenc
on OSX if you install coreutils
via Homebrew). If you have a password-encrypted private key, you can decrypt it using openssl pkcs8 -in rsa_key_encrypted.p8 -out rsa_key.p8
. Also, make sure fields such as the username are URL-encoded.
The gocosmos
driver is still experimental, but it has support for hierarchical partition keys as well as cross-partition queries. Please refer to the SQL notes for details.
Type: string
# Examples
dsn: clickhouse://username:password@host1:9000,host2:9000/database?dial_timeout=200ms&max_execution_time=60
dsn: foouser:foopassword@tcp(localhost:3306)/foodb
dsn: postgres://foouser:foopass@localhost:5432/foodb?sslmode=disable
dsn: oracle://foouser:foopass@localhost:1521/service_name
The table to insert to.
Type: string
# Examples
table: foo
A list of columns to insert.
Type: array
# Examples
columns: - foo - bar - baz
A Bloblang mapping which should evaluate to an array of values matching in size to the number of columns specified.
Type: string
# Examples
args_mapping: root = [ this.cat.meow, this.doc.woofs[0] ]
args_mapping: root = [ meta("user.id") ]
An optional prefix to prepend to the insert query (before INSERT).
Type: string
An optional suffix to append to the insert query.
Type: string
# Examples
A list of keyword options to add before the INTO clause of the query.
Type: array
# Examples
options: - DELAYED - IGNORE
The maximum number of inserts to run in parallel.
Type: int
Default: 64
An optional list of file paths containing SQL statements to execute immediately upon the first connection to the target database. This is a useful way to initialise tables before processing data. Glob patterns are supported, including super globs (double star).
Care should be taken to ensure that the statements are idempotent, and therefore would not cause issues when run multiple times after service restarts. If both init_statement
and init_files
are specified the init_statement
is executed after the init_files
If a statement fails for any reason a warning log will be emitted but the operation of this component will not be stopped.
Type: array
Requires version 4.10.0 or newer
# Examples
init_files: - ./init/*.sql
init_files: - ./foo.sql - ./bar.sql
An optional SQL statement to execute immediately upon the first connection to the target database. This is a useful way to initialise tables before processing data. Care should be taken to ensure that the statement is idempotent, and therefore would not cause issues when run multiple times after service restarts.
If both init_statement
and init_files
are specified the init_statement
is executed after the init_files
If the statement fails for any reason a warning log will be emitted but the operation of this component will not be stopped.
Type: string
Requires version 4.10.0 or newer
# Examples
init_statement: |2 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS some_table ( foo varchar(50) not null, bar integer, baz varchar(50), primary key (foo) ) WITHOUT ROWID;
An optional maximum amount of time a connection may be idle. Expired connections may be closed lazily before reuse. If value <= 0
, connections are not closed due to a connections idle time.
Type: string
An optional maximum amount of time a connection may be reused. Expired connections may be closed lazily before reuse. If value <= 0
, connections are not closed due to a connections age.
Type: string
An optional maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool. If conn_max_open is greater than 0 but less than the new conn_max_idle, then the new conn_max_idle will be reduced to match the conn_max_open limit. If value <= 0
, no idle connections are retained. The default max idle connections is currently 2. This may change in a future release.
Type: int
Default: 2
An optional maximum number of open connections to the database. If conn_max_idle is greater than 0 and the new conn_max_open is less than conn_max_idle, then conn_max_idle will be reduced to match the new conn_max_open limit. If value <= 0
, then there is no limit on the number of open connections. The default is 0 (unlimited).
Type: int
Allows you to configure a batching policy.
Type: object
# Examples
batching: byte_size: 5000 count: 0 period: 1s
batching: count: 10 period: 1s
batching: check: this.contains("END BATCH") count: 0 period: 1m
A number of messages at which the batch should be flushed. If 0
disables count based batching.
Type: int
Default: 0
An amount of bytes at which the batch should be flushed. If 0
disables size based batching.
Type: int
Default: 0
A period in which an incomplete batch should be flushed regardless of its size.
Type: string
Default: ""
# Examples
period: 1s
period: 1m
period: 500ms
A Bloblang query that should return a boolean value indicating whether a message should end a batch.
Type: string
Default: ""
# Examples
check: this.type == "end_of_transaction"
A list of processors to apply to a batch as it is flushed. This allows you to aggregate and archive the batch however you see fit. Please note that all resulting messages are flushed as a single batch, therefore splitting the batch into smaller batches using these processors is a no-op.
Type: array
# Examples
processors: - archive: format: concatenate
processors: - archive: format: lines
processors: - archive: format: json_array