Write data to a Google Cloud Bigtable table.
# Common config fields, showing default valuesoutput: label: "" gcp_bigtable: max_in_flight: 1024 batching: count: 0 byte_size: 0 period: "" check: "" project: "" # No default (required) instance: "" # No default (required) credentials_json: "" # No default (optional) table: "" # No default (required) key: this.key data: this.without("key")
# Advanced config fields, showing default valuesoutput: label: "" gcp_bigtable: max_in_flight: 1024 batching: count: 0 byte_size: 0 period: "" check: "" processors: [] # No default (optional) project: "" # No default (required) instance: "" # No default (required) credentials_json: "" # No default (optional) table: "" # No default (required) key: this.key data: this.without("key") emulated_host_port: ""
The maximum number of messages to have in flight at a given time. Increase this to improve throughput.
Type: int
Default: 1024
Allows you to configure a batching policy.
Type: object
# Examples
batching: byte_size: 5000 count: 0 period: 1s
batching: count: 10 period: 1s
batching: check: this.contains("END BATCH") count: 0 period: 1m
A number of messages at which the batch should be flushed. If 0
disables count based batching.
Type: int
Default: 0
An amount of bytes at which the batch should be flushed. If 0
disables size based batching.
Type: int
Default: 0
A period in which an incomplete batch should be flushed regardless of its size.
Type: string
Default: ""
# Examples
period: 1s
period: 1m
period: 500ms
A Bloblang query that should return a boolean value indicating whether a message should end a batch.
Type: string
Default: ""
# Examples
check: this.type == "end_of_transaction"
A list of processors to apply to a batch as it is flushed. This allows you to aggregate and archive the batch however you see fit. Please note that all resulting messages are flushed as a single batch, therefore splitting the batch into smaller batches using these processors is a no-op.
Type: array
# Examples
processors: - archive: format: concatenate
processors: - archive: format: lines
processors: - archive: format: json_array
The Google Cloud project to write to.
Type: string
The Bigtable instance to write to.
Type: string
The json credentials used for connecting to the Bigtable instance.
Type: string
The Bigtable table to write to.
Type: string
The expression that results in the row key.
Type: string
Default: "this.key"
The expression that results in the row data.
Type: string
Default: "this.without(\"key\")"
Connect to an emulated Bigtable instance.
Type: string
Default: ""