Output Multiplexing
There are a few different ways of multiplexing in Wombat, here’s a quick run through:
Interpolation Multiplexing
Some output fields support field interpolation, which is a super easy way to multiplex messages based on their contents in situations where you are multiplexing to the same service.
For example, multiplexing against Kafka topics is a common pattern:
output: kafka: addresses: [ TODO:6379 ] topic: ${! metadata("target_topic") }
Refer to the field documentation for a given output to see if it support interpolation.
Switch Multiplexing
A more advanced form of multiplexing is to route messages to different output configurations based on a query. This is
easy with the switch
output: switch: cases: - check: this.type == "foo" output: amqp_1: urls: [ amqps://guest:guest@localhost:5672/ ] target_address: queue:/the_foos
- check: this.type == "bar" output: gcp_pubsub: project: dealing_with_mike topic: mikes_bars
- output: redis_streams: url: tcp://localhost:6379 stream: everything_else processors: - mapping: | root = this root.type = this.type.not_null() | "unknown"